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into the breach

into the breachinto the breach
  1. I was persuaded to step into the breach temporarily when they became too ill to continue .


  2. As one falls , others step into the breach .


  3. His assistant stepped into the breach when the old surgeon was unable to go on with the operation .


  4. Local banks could yet step into the breach .


  5. So , back into the breach .


  6. I have to step into the breach when my boss was not in the company .


  7. Once more into the breach , dear friends .


  8. Other non-US official credit guarantee agencies will readily step into the breach .


  9. Car financing companies , which have less conservative approval policies , can step into the breach , he says .


  10. Even so , investors are clearly expecting OPEC to step into the breach soon before oil prices rise further .


  11. The leading man got laryngitis but his understudy stepped into the breach and gave an excellent performance .


  12. Mr. Strauss-Kahn said the old paradigm of growth based on US household demand was dead and the surplus countries needed to step into the breach .


  13. Gill had to take two months off work because she broke her leg , but luckily Kathy was able to step into the breach .


  14. In spite of worsening market conditions , global investors seeking yield in an era of record low interest rates have shown willingness to step into the breach .


  15. Alfredcooper , who had loyally stepped into the breach as official Tory candidate .


  16. And even if China is shifting out of US Treasuries , it would not necessarily cause trouble in the market as long as other buyers step into the breach .


  17. Allardyce 's assistant Neil McDonald will also depart , with first team coach Steve Kean stepping into the breach temporarily .


  18. But non-financial companies have stepped eagerly into the breach , mainly by issuing foreign currency bonds that have been snapped up by yield-hungry western asset managers .


  19. Deacon turned raging upon his host ; but before he could blurt out his abuse , griet had stepped into the breach .


  20. CIM stepped into the breach , providing financing for several of Macklowe 's troubled projects , and a partnership was born that would lead to the groundbreaking at 432 Park .


  21. Augustin Carstens of Mexico has already thrown his hat in the ring and there are other excellent candidates from " neutral " countries , like Tharman Shanmugaratnam from Singapore , who could step into the breach .


  22. EBRAHIM RASOOL : " Anyone can step into the breach and claim to be speaking for God , and unless the middle ground is able to establish what is God 's purpose , we will more and more ground to the fundamentalists . "


  23. The UN has launched an investigation into the security breach .


  24. The dissertation analyzes that the reasons for which the joint and several liability comes into being are the breach of contract and infraction of law , and discusses the validity of the joint and several liability from the exterior and interior aspects .


  25. A Probe into the Compensation Responsibility of Breach of Contract


  26. This section is divided into the responsibilities of its breach of contract and tort liability .


  27. With the development of quality-oriented education and issuance of new curriculum standards and actualization of new curriculum , modern instructional technology has been implied into education , becoming the breach of the new round of course and teaching reform .


  28. The Contract Law of People 's Republic of China new-made in 1999 has introduced into the prescription concerning anticipatory breach of contract in the Convention , but it needs amending by reason of the overlapping and conflict between its articles .


  29. Third , Liu Ji Qin Lao speculative philosophy was simple with the characteristics of the dialectical view , he inherited the Taoist dialectics into the opposition , which breach the basic idea of recovery , but also dependent on the fortune or misfortune to the transformation of ideological innovation .


  30. Even those European countries that are taking part began to run short of munitions , just 11 weeks into the fighting forcing an exasperated America to step into the breach .
